lunes, 21 de mayo de 2018

Importance of French as an International Language

Santo Domingo, May 19, 2018

Prof. Edward Céspedes

Resultado de imagen para Importance of the French language as an international language

The learning of foreign languages is becoming increasingly important for all the commercial opening that opens day by day, due to the phenomenon of globalization, helped by the rise of new information and communication technologies ICTs, which charges every day greater importance in the promotion of international communication.

With the above exposed, there is no doubt that every professional who wants to stay at the forefront of these times, should be interested in and get going with learning foreign languages, the most important worldwide, English, French and Spanish .

In this opportunity we will approach the importance of the French language.

We will share with our readers the most relevant data about this important and interesting foreign language, French.

Relevant notes:

French is the third language of importance in commercial and international relations worldwide. Hence the great importance of learning this foreign language.

The French language is also the 2nd language used for the affairs of international organizations. It has TV5monde with an audience at the moment, of 55 million a week.
Another significant point for this language is the fact that it is the 4th language used on the Internet, a very amazing and important data in terms of dissemination and linguistic expansion.

A language of cultural exchanges.

¨The international character of the French language is mainly due, beyond questions of state and recognition, from the point of view of its control on the surface of the globe. It brings together 274 million speakers, learned as a foreign language in all countries of the world, a means of communication used by some thirty countries in their international relations, this language in fact occupies an important place in commercial exchanges, cultural, industries, digital media , science and international meetings ... Even if all those who legitimately use the French language in these different spheres do not always do it¨.

International Organization of the Francophonie.
Resultado de imagen para International Organization of the Francophonie.

Other important informations of the francophonie are:

It is composed by 80 states and governments. It has 15.8 of the world population. It also has 14.8 of the global income, which indicates the strength and importance of its economy. francophonie has in its favor, the great amount of 20% of trade worldwide.
The francophonie is also the official language of 32 states and governments.

We can be aware or not, but the French language or the Francophonie, is a living and active force with studies that reveal its economic rebound, which strengthens each day more.

The French language is spoken on all 5 continents, which gives it a large-scale importance across the globe. We also share that the Francophonie celebrates its international day every March 20, and also celebrates the world forum of the French language. Both events celebrated internationally, which shows its importance at a global level.

With these data, we are able to be aware of the magnitude and importance of the French language, both commercially and culturally.

Prof. Edward Céspedes

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